Master the Art of Painting Your Furniture

If your furniture looks particularly worn, tired or dirty, you don't have to throw it out or replace it! Why not give it a new lease of life by giving it fresh new lick of paint. If you think that it might be too much trouble, this guide is here to help! In our many years of painting and decorating in Croydon and South London, we have painted quite a few chairs and tables.

We've learned quite a few things, and this post will give you all the knowledge so that you too can paint your furniture like an expert. You might think that its relatively simple and all you'll need to do is slap on the paint, and watch it dry. Unfortunately, it's not this easy, and there's a few things you should do, so that your paint job not only looks good, but lasts a long while!

Get Prepping

As with any kind of painting, preparation is key, and you will want to ensure that your furniture is ready to be painted. As such, painting shouldn't be applied to any unclean furniture, this is especially the case if the furniture is second hand or you found it in the attic. So, get some soap and water and get that furniture sparkling once again.

Get Sanding

Once your furniture has been thoroughly cleaned, you will want to give it a good sanding with some sandpaper. You will want to give the furniture a enough sanding so there is no finish to it. Sandpapering the furniture is important, as it gives the paint something to stick to, and will ensure that it will last a decent amount of time.

Get Priming

When you are sure that your furniture has a really smooth finish, the next step is to give it some primer. Primer is great for painting because it helps the paint cling to the furniture. Primer can come in spray form and oil form, which one you use, is up to you.

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Start Painting!

Now you can finally get down to the exciting part – the painting! How you choose to paint is totally up to you. Whether you use a roller, brush or sprayer, make sure you carefully apply the paint so that it is even. Also, make sure to paint the corners and hard to reach areas first. We recommend painting 2-3 coats of your chosen paint. To make it look even better, give the furniture a good sanding between the coats, so it looks really even.

Final Touches

When you've finished painting, give yourself a pat on the back and let the furniture dry. If you want to protect your newly painted furniture, buy some seal and give your furniture a coat. Once you've done that, give your furniture another period to dry off. Now your work is complete, you can cool off and enjoy your new furniture!

If you haven't got the time or inclination to paint any of your furnishings, leave it to the experts. At Hynon Painters & Decorators, we've been painting and decorating in Croydon, Mitcham, Morden, Sutton, West Wickham, Coulsdon, Epsom, Leatherhead, New Addington, Kingston and Dulwich for many years. If you need anything painted, get in touch with us, you won't regret it!